Friday, January 28, 2011

Искате ли автентичен автограф от Лукас? Купете си Star Wars FRAMES - само $3000!

Мечтали ли сте си за автентичен автограф от самия Джордж Лукас?
Сега е вашият шанс! ...стига да имате излишни 3000 долара!


Комплектът от албуми със специално подбрани кадри от Сагата, лично подбрани от лукас, и придружени с подписан от него сертификат за автентичност - вече се продава!

Бройките са ограничени ... 1138 разбира се!

Вижте тези линкове за повече инфо! Не пропускайте и видеото ;)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Aquabats - Pool Party AMV

Pool party baby
It was a cool party
Cool pool party
La la la la
Pool party baby
It was a cool party
Cool pool party
La la la la

Popcorn, hot dog buns, and hamburger patties
All the food you need to feed the many hungry
Millions of people want in to my party
But it's invite only
And you're on the list baby

-Your pool rips!
I cleaned it yesterday
-Girls look cute!
In their swimming suits
-Holy Guacamole!
We've got chips!
So come on take a dip
'Cause my pool rips

It was a pool party for the cool kids at my school
It was a pool party for the cool kids at my school
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
Yeah yeah yeah

Pool party baby
It was a cool party
Cool pool party
La la la la
Pool party baby

The ratio of girls to guys is five to one
There hasn't been a party like this since 1981
Come to my party let the games begin
We've even got floaties if you can't swim

-Your pool rips!
I cleaned it yesterday
-Girls look cute!
In their swimming suits
-Holy Guacamole!
We've got chips!
So come on take a dip
'Cause my pool rips

It was a pool party for the cool kids at my school
It was a pool party for the cool kids at my school
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
Yeah yeah yeah

I love you girl, you know it's true
To have a super party in my swimming pool
Jump on in and you will see
Just how fun a pool party can be
But don't eat too much before you swim
'Cause you might get a cramp under your chin
Someone's screaming, that's not cool
Who threw that Reggie Bar in the pool?
Ronnie, Sally, Bobby and Mike
It's my pool party, we'll do what we like!

It was a pool party for the cool kids at my school
It was a pool party for the cool kids at my school
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
It's so cool in my pool
There's no pool at my school
There's no school in my pool
There's no pool at my school
So it's cool at my pool
Yeah yeah yeah

The Aquabats - Captain Hampton and the Midget Pirates AMV

Young Jim, as a lad
He looked for adventure
Calamity, danger, whatever was free
So when he turned ten, he packed his belongings
and he left home to find his destiny
Jim just a boy, who's
Head full of legends
Of dungeons and dragons
And pirates and stuff
So that summer he snuck on a schooner
To harpoon tuna
And get real buff
The Captain he said
There's danger ahead
We need some brave men
To sail and then
We'll find us those pirates
Stop them with violence,
To make the ocean safe
Once again."

Now, the pirates the brave Captain was looking for
were the fierce Midget Pirates of Willygoat,
the deadliest pirates in the seven seas.
And although they were wee men,
they had big swords and were known for gutting many,
and leaving few alive.
The Captian knew they were heading towards the Sandwich Isles,
to pillage the giant Ham Farm.
The Captain knew what he must do.
And this, is his story.

Cleaning up the oceans
Captain Hampton and his crew
Trouble in the seven seas
He'll know what to do
Captain, he hates rubbish
To him pirates are just soot
Scallywags and scurvy dogs
Are crushed under his foot.
Captain Hampton (Captain Hampton)
Captain Hampton (Captain Hampton)
Ahoy (Ahoy)
Ahoy (Ahoy)
Pillaging the Pillagers
Triumphantly he'll sail away

Now, seven weeks into the trip
And Jim was sick to death
Of being sick
Some kind of action he wanted
As he searched the seas
For everyday was the same old... stuff
The night he felt like jumping ship
But then he heard a crash
Hit the starboard side of the ship
And bumped him out of his bunk
Onto his bottom
Our heroes drew their swords
As the midgets swarmed aboard
The pirates surprise attack
The tiny buccaneers
Caught us by surprise
As we tried to battle back.

It was horrible.
They were everywhere.
And unlike normal midgets who are usually bright.. and clever..
and.. fun to be around, these Midget Pirates with their beady
little eyes and sharp teeth, bore down on us
like fierce sharks in a feeding frenzy of blood!
Slashing at us with their swords!
Gutting our bellies!
Poking our bums!
Clipping our knees!
We knew not what to do,
for the Captain was nowhere to be found!
Where was the Captain?
Where was the Captain?
Where was the Captain?

Cleaning up the oceans
Captain Hampton and his crew
Trouble in the seven seas
He'll know what to do
Captain, he hates rubbish
To him pirates are just soot
Scallywags and scurvy dogs
Are crushed under his foot.
Captain Hampton (Captain Hampton)
Captain Hampton (Captain Hampton)
Ahoy (Ahoy)
Ahoy (Ahoy)
Pillaging the Pillagers
Triumphantly he'll sail away

La la la la la la la, la la la la la.
La la la la la la la, la la la la la.
La la la la la la la, la la la la la.
La la la la la la la, la la la la la.

Captain Hampton (Captain Hampton)
Captain Hampton (Captain Hampton)
Ahoy (Ahoy)
Ahoy (Ahoy)
Pillaging the Pillagers
Triumphantly he ran away!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Комикси и манга от сп. "Фентъзи Фактор"

плюс екстри и бонус-материали ;)

„Фентъзи Фактор“ е списание за фентъзи и фантастика, основано от Иван Атанасов. От него са издадени 12 броя. през периода 2000–2002 г.

Освен множеството статии, посветени на различни теми (литература, кино, компютърни игри, митология и др.), в списанието започва да излиза и ролева игра по българската система Аксиом 16, както и комикси.

Този архив съдържа пълна колекция на всички комикси, публикувани на страниците на списанието, както и няколко екстри от различни броеве на "Фентъзи Фактор"

Архивът съдържа:

Статията "Комиксът - деветото изкуство" - с автор Ивайло Динков

Интервю с художника Димитър Стоянов - Димо, известен с творчеството си от сп."ДЪГА" (комикси като "ЕЛО: Екип за Ликвидиране на Опасности"), както и множество корици и илюстрации (феновете на книгите-игри със сигурност си ги спомнят!). Интервю с художника Петър Станимиров, известен освен с комиксите си (например "Островът на съкровищата" от ДЪГА) и с това, че е основател на ик.МЕГА (също паметно име за всички, които са чели на времето книги-игри!)
Интервютата са взето от Благой Иванов (aka Uzumaki)

Първи (и до колкото знам единствен) брой на (май незавършения) комикс "СВЕН: наркоза", текст: Иван Атанасов, художник: Светлозар Христов

Всички епизоди на комикса "БРОМ - Войнът на Северното сияние", текст Иван Атанасов, художник на първите броеве Симеон Асенов, а на следващите е Павел Байрактарски.

Всички епизоди на манга-комикса "Империя на залеза", сценарий и рисунки Даниел Атанасов (известен още като Сатанасов)

Две рекламни страници на комиксите издадени от FF Comics (известни още и като Торбалан Комикс). Те издадоха едва няколко книжки, комиксите "Техноклан" на Ивайло Панайотов, и "Конан - Гневът на Бога", чийто първи брой е с художник Симеон Асенов, а втори брой Павел Байрактарски... Тези комикси все още не са сканирани и не са влючени в този архив, но някой слънчев ден нищо чудно и да минат през скенера и да се появят тук ;)

Торент за истинските ценители на комиксите в България!

Благодарности на всички, чиито имена се споменават по-горе :))

линкове към сайтовете на някои от споменатите художници:

Петър Станимиров -
Павел Байрактарски -
Satanasov -
Ивайло Панайотов -
Техноклан -


Сайтът на "ДЪГА" -

Сайтът на българските комикс-фенове:

Два блога с информация за историята на БГ-комиксите:

За феновете на Star Wars, пълна колекция от статии по темата, публикувани във Фентъзи Фактор:

А феновете на книгите-игри да се готвят скоро за голяма изненада!!!

Triggerman Trailer - Terence Hill's new western is here!

Awesome news!! Terence Hill is riding again in "Triggerman" - a sequel to "Doc West"

I hope Terence will stick around the wild west for a while! We all missed him :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Aquabats! new album is out

The Aquabats! are back with a new album! HI-FIVE SOUP!!

Stream the whole album, online at their YouTube channel!

For more from the Aquabats click on the Aquabats label below this post ;)

The Butterfly Circus

An impressive short film, really worth watching!
Thanks to Ania and Monika for letting me know about it!

Official Website:
Wiki Info:

Monday, January 03, 2011

RIP Pete Postlethwaite

Sadly the first post for 2011 is caused by the loss of a great actor. Pete Postlethwaite died from cancer on January 2nd at the age of 64. His memorable face brought to life supporting characters in many great cult movies. Alien 3, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, The Last of the Mohicans, Split Second, DragonHeart, Solomon Kane, The Omen are among my favourites in his filmography.