Monday, May 30, 2011

Festival Updates - Rutger Hauer likes Your Head!

My short film "Where Is Your Head" has been selected for the ''I've Seen Films'' Internet Contest:

"Where Is Your Head" is now competing for the two internet awards: the Internet Audience ICFILMS Award and the prestigious ''20th Century Fox H. E.'' Internet Jury ICFILMS Award.

The short film determined to be the most successful by the Internet Audience, will be screened during the I’ve Seen Films Festival’s days and his/her author will be personally awarded by Rutger Hauer with the Internet Audience ICFILMS Award.

You can be part of the Jury and give your vote! Please take a minute to register and vote for "Where Is Your Head" Here is a link:

In order to vote, you register, confirm the registration via e-mail, log-in and then select "Where Is Your Head" from the list of films! Thank you :)

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